Our Representative Republic
Life and Liberty
We the People
Where Steve Stands
Fight for the Republican Party of Arizona like your rights depend on it…
Loyalty to the AZGOP
Steve is loyal to the principles of the party and to making sure that the AZGOP is also. While party leadership continuously lurch left, we the people of the party have been pulling back and just trying to hang on. Steve stepped outside to help by pushing.
Steve Daniels is a man of integrity and action. He has exercised caution and restraint in making decisions that have always been mindful of the Republican Party, that were engineered to strengthen, not harm, it.
The Patriot Party has done things that the Republican Party should have done, but didn’t.
The Patriot Party
Currently, the Patriot Party is a PAC, not a party. The Patriot Party already has the necessary signatures to form an official, recognized party in the state. It was Steve’s decision NOT to move forward before the midterms to ensure no negative impact on the election. He protected the Republican Party and its candidates. Everything that Steve has done has been to further the principles of the party platform and to defend the people of Arizona.
On Trump
Steve Daniels supported Trump. If he had to vote for either Trump or Biden today, he would choose Trump. It is important to remember that our elected officials are public servants, from the city council up to the president. We have a right and duty to question them, present our grievances and hold them accountable to represent us. Steve has voiced opposition to 2A violations, shutdowns, mRNA gene therapy, and political prisoners in the United States. Don’t you oppose those things, too?
Will Steve be able to unify the Republican Party? Steve Daniels may well be the only one that can unify the party. Since the 2022 election, Republicans have lost hope. For the second time, they’ve witnessed blatant election fraud while the leadership of the AZGOP have merely been spectators. People are fed up, disillusioned, and checking out — leaving the party and vowing not to waste their time voting again.
Steve Daniels has the bold leadership needed to bring everyone back together, to fight shoulder-to-shoulder with ALL that value maintaining the integrity of our Constitution. While others may say the words, Steve has the receipts.
Steve is assertive, relentless and unflinching. He’s not afraid to speak the truth; these days, all too often, the truth has been deemed offensive. Steve will not yield; we NEED him fighting FOR US!
“If you’re afraid to offend, you can’t be honest.” -Thomas Paine
America First?
Steve Daniels is Arizona First. He has been an influential activist for years; his accomplishments are all the proof you need.
In Education, he identified CRT in our schools, recognized the dangers, and successfully fought against it before most people had heard of it. His activism launched the nationwide movement of parents protesting at their school boards. And he’s been pushing for #ESAforAll for four years, which was finally accomplished the last session.
Steve has been the tip of the spear on Election Integrity in Arizona. After much investigation and research, he co-authored HB2289, commonly known as One Day • One Vote. His efforts and relentless pursuit of free and fair elections since August, 2020, culminated in his bill passing the Senate Government Committee before being blocked by Republican legislators.
His activism has resulted in the second amendment, medical freedom, parental rights and individual liberty protections for the people of Arizona.
As a leading activist in Arizona, Steve has organized, led, or was otherwise involved and instrumental in the following:
- The defeat of the Red Flag Laws that Ducey was poised to pass. When all was said and done, laws supporting our Second Amendment were passed instead.
- Instrumental in passing a resolution to add support for parental rights, school choice and to prevent the sexualization of our children in school to the state party platform, in an attempt to have the AZGOP step up and get involved in Education.
- As an active participant in Education issues, he has consistently shown up at meetings across the state, from school boards to the Department of Education to the Capitol, to fight for everything from parental rights, ending forced masking and quarantines, school choice, and the elimination of Comprehensive Sexual Education, CRT/Equity & SEL. His devotion got him targeted and arrested on a false trespassing charge that he was forced to fight for over a year before the City of Chandler eventually declined to prosecute.
- Generated public support for #ESA4All and enabled it to get across the finish line after a four year push.
- First to organize a rally to reopen Arizona. Created a pressure campaign that prevented the tyrannical mandates that most other states, including red states, ended up falling victim to.
- Involved in legislation to protect liberty, including the law preventing the state from mandating that businesses require masks, which was only the first of its kind to be passed and signed into law. Partnered to get a vaccine/vaccine passport anti-discrimination bill sponsored and drafted, which ended up being killed by Republican legislators.
- Our team was on the ground at polling places in 2020, which exposed #SharpieGate.
- Co-authored the One Day • One Vote election integrity legislation in an attempt to secure our elections BEFORE the midterms. Secured its passage through Senate Committee, but Senator Fann refused to put it on the agenda for a vote by the entire Senate.
- Organized and collected over 25,000 signatures to recall Rusty Bowers. While the effort did not result in a special election, educating his constituents while collecting those signatures was instrumental in ensuring his spectacular defeat in the primary.
- When Scottsdale PD was ordered to stand down during the BLM/Antifa riots, Steve stood up, and volunteered to guard local small businesses.
- Reopened his neighborhood park after Mayor Kate Gallego ordered parks to be closed on Easter weekend.